Making space for ENSPIRing things
The communications team of ENSPIRE was established in WS 2018/2019. Our tasks are maintaining the ENSPIRE webpage and organizing outreach activities. We also develop the communication strategy and handle the social media of ENSPIRE. We are supervised by Professor Megill who founded this project.
Contact one of us or our supervising
Currently our biggest challenge is the COVID-19 outbreak. Due to the limitations most teams are inactive and there are only limited opportunities to engage in meaningful events.
I saw joining ENSPIRE’s Communications Team as an opportunity to practice the skills that I have acquired over the years as a student of Science Communication & Bionics. I also enjoy working in a team, and that is exactly what ENSPIRE gives me: the chance to work with a group of diverse and talented individuals to produce something truly memorable.
I joined ENSPIRE because I wanted to work with diverse people in a professional setting while using and expanding on the skills I learn in Science Communication. I see this as a chance to not only help teams highlight their achievements and support them in reaching their goals, but also for myself to gain more insight into the field of engineering..
I joined ENSPIRE, because this project allows me to put my skills in Science Communication to use, while working with amazing people and help them make their ideas and creations well-known. A side bonus is the experience I can gain by working on such project, which might help in my future career.
As a member of ENSPIRE communication team, I look forward to apply the skills I learned over the years in science communication. Working for ENSPIRe would help me in my career by exposing me to interdisciplinary subjects, projects and teams and giving me a chance to bring spotlight to the exciting and promising engineering projects.
As member of ENSPIRE’s Communication Team I have the chance to put my gained knowledge of science communication into practice.
As member of the ENSPIRE team, I have the opportunity to apply the knowledge that I gained throughout my studies to real projects.
As a member of the ENSPIRE team, I have the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in my studies, as well as gain further insight into the student projects and communicate their advancement.