Submarine Team

HSRW Submarine

Chasing underwater gold

Our Mission

Designing, building and racing a human-powered submarine is a goal that can only be achieved by a team of dedicated, enthusiastic and motivated individuals working together, sharing complementary knowledge and skills. The team is drawn from all faculties of the university. Engineers design the machine, Makers build it, Divers get it moving, Programmers keep it on course, and Management makes it all happen. 

Read on for how you can get involved.


Human-powered submarine racing is a unique engineering and sporting challenge. The concept is essentially an underwater bicycle: a flooded submarine which encloses a scuba diver and whose propulsion power must all come from the diver's muscles. The submarines, from universities all around the world, are run against the clock at races in the UK, US, and Spain. The HSRW Submarine Team has taken part in a race every year since its inception in 2012, holding its own against some of the world's biggest universities, bringing home trophies for design and medals for performance. 2022 was the team's biggest year yet: 6 gold medals were enough to claim the world championship.

This year, the team is designing and building a new submarine for its entry to the 2024 races in the UK and Spain. Engineers, programmers, divers and business support are all required - get in touch if you'd like to join the team.

Team Organisation

The HSRW Submarine Team is actually five teams in one, all working together to make the dream come true. 

  • Design Team  - project students bringing a new vessel to life for the 2024 eISR in the UK and the GCI in Spain
  • Build Team - engineering & software BSc/MSc theses to finalise the propulsion and control systems
  • Management Team - business students coordinating the team's activities and finances
  • Manufacturing Team - makers and machine shop students from any faculty to get those parts rolling off the line
  • Diving Support Team - students from all across the uni who like to get wet! 

Searching for a project, thesis or just want to join a team?

Then you sound like you're right for the 2023-24 build team. We need motivated students interested in completing their theses on subjects related to the submarine. These are practical projects with real outcomes which you will have completed in a professional environment, same as if you were working in a company. 

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