House Boats

Spoy's Houseboats

Creative, greem, solution to housing crisis

Our Mission

Inspired by the houseboat communities of Amsterdam, Seattle and elsewhere, the Sozial- und Ökologiestiftung of Cleves has begun the development of a green houseboat for the Spoy Canal. The concept is to create a floating community and bring some life to our now closed waterway. 

Read on for how you can get involved.


Designing and building a houseboat present some different challenges. Though the dwelling looks and feels like a house, it is legally still a boat. The challenge therefore is to marry the comforts of a floating home with the regulatory framework required by the navigational authorities. In its role as a permanent home, the houseboat has to be equipped with a regular kitchen, normal(ish) furniture, and things like electricity, freshwater provision and sewage. As a boat, it has to be completely self-contained, self-propelled, stable, watertight and escapable.

Hover over the images below and contact Prof Megill for more information about the engineering aspects of this houseboat project.

Searching for a project, thesis or just want to join a team?

Then you sound like you're right for the 2021-22 build team. We need motivated students interested in completing their theses on subjects related to the Houseboats. These are practical projects with real outcomes which you will have completed in a professional environment, same as if you were working in a company. 

  • HB21-EN01 | Waste Water

    A house generates grey and black water. The disposal of used water is not simple when the house is floating on water and not connected to a city sewer system. This project is about developing a green water disposal strategy for the houseboat community on the Spoy.

  • HB21-EN02 | Hydrogen Production from Solar Energy

    The houseboat is already equipped with solar panels, but the occupants aren't using them to their complete capacity. This project would be a feasibility study on producing hydrogen using the excess capacity.

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