A whole new concept in submarine racing
Our Workhorse coming out of Retirement
The fourth HSRW submarine was a complete rebuild of the first one. Only the hull remained of the original Rivershark. The propulsion this time was a pair of turtle or penguin-inspired flapping twisting foils.
The third HSRW submarine was designed primarily with manoeuvrability in mind. Taking inspiration from the knifefish, Trichitala was driven by three ribbon-like undulatory propulsors.
The second HSRW submarine, Inia was designed to be an acceleration specialist. Propelled by a chain-driven counterheaving mechanism, Inia's low aspect ratio tails provided the high thrust required to accelerate over the first part of the racecourse.
The first HSRW racing submarine. Rivershark 1 was propelled by a pair of counterheaving fins inspired by the wing-like tail of a sailfish.