Sairam Damparala

Sairam Damparala

Management Lead and Scuba Diver

Study Course:
In Team Since:

Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.)
WT 2017/18


  • Marketing
  • Finding Potential Sponsors


As an enthusiastic engineer and MBA graduate, I am always interested to have practical on hand working experience on projects. I was looking around to improve my skills and for a platform where I can enhance my theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge at the same time I found this opportunity to join the team.
Hence without giving a second thought I joined the team, where I improved many of my soft skills especially I found the mode how to communicate with the companies and establish a good contact with them. To develop the skills within the surrounding opportunity in our university for both the engineering and business graduates, especially in my case, I feel ENSPIRE projects will give a first hand working experience.

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